
Theft By Employees

Employee theft is the stealing of goods, money or time by the people who work for you, such as employees or contractors. To prevent employee theft, you need to identify how your business is vulnerable to it. You can then create policies, processes and monitoring systems to reduce or prevent employee theft

Watching Every Move

What percent of theft is from employees?

Nearly 95 percent of all businesses suffer from theft in the workplace and approximately 75 percent of all employees steal from their employers at least once. Studies have shown that it is more often the younger employee (under 35) who steals from an employer

Monitoring your premises 


Theft by employees

Threat We operate on many sites but tools and stock constantly disappear from one site in particular. It causes real disruption to our business. We think it’s an inside job but don’t know who. As a result of these ongoing losses, the already slim operating margins from this site have now turned negative. This has got to stop… Solution Knowing that an item was on site on Monday at 5pm but gone by Wednesday at 11am. The ROM Operator conducts a systematic search for activity in the area where the item went missing. A clearly identifiable figure is seen removing the object and walking towards the car park. The incriminating footage is handed to the local manager who then confronts the offender. The offender has no option but to admit guilt and face the consequences.


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52 Windermere Drive, Farrarmere, Benoni 1501


+27 011 425 0146

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